Your compass to optimal production

Your production at optimal performance, despite everchanging production conditions.

Emyurise Analsen zeigen Ihnen wann und unter welchen Bedingungen Ihre Anlage entsprechend am besten gelaufen ist.

Save Ressources & Emissions

Improve production stability

Preserve your operations know-how

emyurise shows you the way
to the current best operating point of your apparatus

emyurise always points you to the optimal operation points

Industrial production conditions are constantly changing: raw products vary, price changes force replanning, a wide variety of recipes must be considered and operation teams have different levels of experience. Today, this often causes continous losses and wastages on a large scale.

Based on the current production conditions, our solutions will show customers

1. the currently best achievable operating point for your equipment,

2. the expected profit as well as

3. the setpoints & steps how to reach the optimal operating point.

You gain full control!

Start with a digital "What if" analysis of your processes

Let’s see the full potential in your production.

The operating point analysis offers low-effort validation and documentation of the optimum operation for your production processes. Both positive and negative influences are made transparent. Automatically adapted to current production conditions

Often a large part of the improvement potential can be realized with existing means. The intuitive analysis results empower you to easily identify, choose and align improvement opportunities while making operational knowledge permanently available, especially for less experienced plant operators.

Our Services

for process industry applications such as evaporation, roasting, drying, cooling, seperation, heating and crystallization

Operation point profitability analysis

Insight extraction from production process data to identify profitable operation points under varying conditions and production goals. For single and interconnected apparatuses

Digitalization Benefit Check

Gain know-how on how to leverage your data to boost your production. Investigation of strengths and weaknesses of available data and data collection to ensure lasting analysis value (requirements, production goals, measurability, operational conditions.

Optimization Analysis

Gain answers to your optimization challenge. Dedicated Investitgation using production data to identify, evaluate and leverage optimization potential.

Operation point profitability analysis

Insight extraction from production process data to identify profitable operation points under varying conditions and production goals. For single and interconnected apparatuses

Digitalization Benefit Check

Gain know-how on how to leverage your data to boost your production. Investigation of strengths and weaknesses of available data and data collection to ensure lasting analysis value (requirements, production goals, measurability, operational conditions.

Optimization Analysis

Gain answers to your optimization challenge. Dedicated Investitgation using production data to identify, evaluate and leverage optimization potential.


Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für Ihren Betrieb basierend auf den Erkenntnissen


Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für Ihren Betrieb basierend auf den Erkenntnissen

Our Mission: Practical benefits for your production processes

You gain apparatus specific operation analyses for a accurate identification & verification of specific optimization measures.
This is done with a cost-efficient method of analysis for your specific apparatues. 
Our goal is the identification of positive and improvable impacts on the profitability of your production process to derive improvement measures.
The application of emyurise methods is so efficient that even their application to often neglected medium and small production processes
yields considerable gains.

Our Values

our human strengths
A Digital Coach enables new insights
We humans are powerful with our “experience”, “intuition” or “creativity”. Algorithms enhance us by making huge amounts of information accessible.

Optimization know-how
for every plant member
A digital coach makes know-how scale
Know-how is scarce. And with increasing system complexity more is required. Hence, automating know-how and making it intuitively accessible is essential.

Continuously evolves
in secure digital ecosystem
Sustainable solutions evolve automatically
The rate of technical development is increasing. Security, scalability & adaptability must always be up to date.


Digital Coach

Process optimization made so easy everyone can achieve and maintain
optimal profitability
Shares the benefits
of digitalization
A digital coach is so cost-efficient
it can always be employed

Hiring a continuous human service is often too expensive, even if more powerful. Albeit more limited, a digital service is scalable.

Adapts to individual
production requirements
Coaching means optimization
based on plant specific requirements

Every production plant is unique. Hence any optimization solution must be adaptable: from business model to implementation.

required investment
A digital coach significantly simplifies
the set-up of optimization models

When investing in optimization, the true ROI is uncertain. But many current optimization solutions demand high entry cost.


A digital coach makes untapped savings potential accessible

The rate of change is increasing, know-how is scarce, while our technological development provides the basis for the next stage of services.
Quickly adapting to changing production conditions enables increased profitability. Nothing new. But the rate of change is increasing and with it, system complexity. To optimize a production process one would traditionally hire human specialists. Some even provide a technical solution to be installed at the production plant. However, this is often associated with very high investment cost. Even worse: The actual return-of-invest of optimization endeavours is difficult to assess ahead of the investment, adding to the gamble. A digital-coach-as-a-service may not be as powerful as a human powered service but it provides a much better benefit-to-cost ratio, with particular low initial investment cost.
Hence a digital coach makes savings potential accessible that was previously difficult to leverage.

The Digital-Coach-as-a-Service ensures up-to-date security & cost-efficiency

Plant safety & security is of the upmost importance. The rate of technological development is increasing, and with it both benefits and risks. To gain the most while risking the least any technological solution must be embedded in an digital ecosystems where both, the solution and the ecosystem continuously grow. This way, the solution always sports the newest features, does not become outdated and is protected by the latest updates in accordance with the most current norms and standards. Essentially, embedding a solution in a digital ecosystem makes (security) updates so cost efficient that it becomes feasible to continuously gain and profit from the newest technical developments.  

To achieve this, the solution must be accessible from outside of the plant. This requires a very selective and sensitive approach as the security and protection of plant-infrastructure is at the upmost importance. With edge and cloud-based industry norms & solutions becoming readily more established, a operational revolution is already on its way. 


Let's empower your production!



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Get even more out of your coffee beans
  • Identification of bean roast characteristics
  • Targeted achievement of desired bean properties (aroma, color, water content, …) despite changing production conditions
  • Continous detailed quality control despite large production volumes
  • Identification of roaster limits and their impacts
  • Intuitive comparison of your roasts & recipes to identify
  • Cause & enviromental impact analysis 
You will get even further, boosted by emyurise.
Do you experience …
  • numerous set-point changes after shift rotations ? 
  • unexplained increased wear and resource consumption?
  • too limited availability of your production experts for all shifts?  
  • new recipes for old production apparatuses?
  • an apparatus that costs too much attention? 
  • unexplainable variations in product quality?
We help you to better achieve your goals.
Evaporator Example
  • Optimal throughput identification
  • More flexible adaptation to changing process conditions (concentration, recipe,…)
  • Most economical operation with the best possible avoidance of product damage
  • Tracking the rate of fouling
  • Transparency for historical operation
  • Orientation for plant operators to faster adapt to production changes